Sunday, December 3, 2006

Choosing a name for the club

Here's the ideas for names. We have to finanlize a decision by the next meeting to go forward with all the legal aspects. Choose your favorite or add another idea. Blog it up!

Wicked Rich of the West Investment Club
East Bay Investment Club
Polywog Investment club
Bay Area 20
Rich Green Investment Club
Appleseed Investment Group
Think First Investment Club
East Pay Investment club (EPIC)
Long Term
Above Average
Bay Area Socially Responsible Investment Club
Conscious and Evovled investment Club
Bay Area SRI Club
007 SRI Club


SRI said...

I actually like East Bay Socially Responsible Invesment Club.

A little long, a tad boring, but gets the message across and can be taken seriously by people across the boards.


evan said...

Last meeting someone, perhaps Andrew (?), pointed out an acronym for our club could be BASIC, Bay Area S____ Investment Club.

Obviously, Bay Area Socially Responsible Investment Club, BASRIC, doesn't have as catchy an abreviation, and to reduce this title to only Bay Area SOCIAL Investment Club wouldn't work either as we are likely to be more inclusive than just social issues.

I've been trying to think of different 'S' words that could be used in our name which would enable us to use the BASIC moniker, yet still be representative of our combined values.

Here are a few possibilities I came up with a little help from a dictionary:

Bay Area SENSIBLE Investment Club

Bay Area SCREENED Investment Club

Bay Area SCRUPULOUS Investment Club
(Scrupulous: 1 coscientious, thorough...)

Bay Area SAMARITANS Investment Club
(Samaritan: 1 charitable or helpful person. 2 member of a counselling organization.)

Bay Area SUSTAINABLE Investmnet Club

Bay Area SMART Investment Club

Bay Area SPECULATIVE Investment Club

...Any other ideas? What do y'all think?

Sharon E. said...

I really like Bay Area Sustainable Investment Club

k8 said...

I, too, like Bay Area Sustainable Investment club. I like the acronym BASIC, as in "it's BASIC, yo!" (just kidding)
More importantly, I think sustainable is such an appropriate and encouraging word for our time. it's exactly what we all want to do: sustain our families' and the worlds' health and happiness, sustain the earth's resources, and sustain business that is contributing positively to all of these. It's BASIC, yo. (and we can start our own slang on the streets.)

Emily said...

also a big fan of bay area sustainable investment club

Missy said...

did ya'all see my post for choosing a name? It is under the "welcome to the club" page. Check it out.